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Now it’s finally over: On 2 February, on Candlemass, it’s time to say goodbye to Christmas trees, Christmas ornaments and angels. This also marks the end of what appears to be a dangerous fire season. However, that is only half the truth: By far the greatest fire hazard comes from electronic devices (Brandursachen in Deutschland bis 2021 | Statista).

Independent of the cause, there is a fire every two to three minutes somewhere in Germany; in one fourth of all incidents the fire brigade is called. At Fuchshuber, we ensure that firefighters are well protected during their work. Protection begins on the inside, with your underwear. There is also an inner layer for the head, a fire hood Heat, Flame and Arc Protection | FUCHSHUBER TECHNO-TEX ( The circular-knit material is made of finest fibers in the submicron-size and creates a protective barrier that filters 99,99% of toxic microparticles. It also protects firefighters from flames and heat. The fire hood is elastic, breathable and lightweight – for a perfect fit under the jacket. After all, protective clothing must be a lot more comfortable than the feel-good clothes we wore over the Christmas holidays. Because life can depend on protective underwear.